For many years I relied mainly on contrasting plant foliage to provide the colour in my garden. In recent times I have added colour in the form of flowers: shrubs, perennials and just a few annuals.
I have just planted pansies for my friend who passed away several years ago now. She also loved cats, so I try to choose ones that resemble a cat’s face. This year I have been able to find ones with mainly purple, pink and yellow.
I especially love pinks, mauves, purples and blues: daisies, lavendar, heliotrope, iris, felicia and pentas to mention just a few. This winter I am hoping to purchase some pink ground cover roses as well as a couple of pink climbing roses.
A couple of years ago, a friend gave me a cutting of a plant called “Geisha Girl”. This plant is now 2 metres tall with the most divine purple and white flowers. I’ll definitely be taking more cuttings of this plant. It has a lovely weeping habit, with the flowers hanging down on the ends. Once established, it has proved to be very hardy. This is the flower seen in the picture above.
Yellows look good with the blues and so I do use yellow daisies as well as some marigolds.
I do like reds as they are so eye catching from a distance, but I prefer to use them mainly amongst plants that don’t have flowers. Red with other colours is too busy for me.
I am not keen on orange, but I do have orange crucifix orchid at the front of our westerly facing block. These plants are so hardy and never need watering. They are planted with blue agapanthus and this mix works.
Cut flowers for the house are another benefit of adding colour to the garden and most plants reward you by producing more flowers.